Image result for the north fence
Cover book The north fence in Saskatchewan, Canada.

This  story tell us about farming and its predator as inhibitor of the husbandry animal in Saskatchewan. The story has 8 part and the interesting of the story is the farmers try to avoiding wild animals from forest to the farm. Thear are animals dangerous such as bear and snakes. In this story tell us the bear which has dangerous in fence farm. The fence farm are cow and horse. The farmer needs handgun to preventing and protecting the animals in farm. The fence is made from wood. There are three farmers in Saskatchewan, those name are Gilbert, Hilda, and I as farmer.

In this story, the farmer needs to be very careful from wild animal. The farmer should shoot to the bear because it will make bear hurt but not kill. Bear is very big animal from forest and handgun cannot make them death. Another things we should make trap to catch the bear. And at the end the small bear success to be catches but the big bear have to be safe the small one.

On the other hand, the farmer have to climbing to safe himself from the bear. And other farmer shoot the bear and make it hurt. After hurting by the farmer, the bear and small one came back to the forest and will not come back again. The last one, the female and male farmer get married.

By Theresa Kannenberg. The North fence.  Atom-ii books Florida and Tokyo.  


  1. This story tell us
    This story tells us

    the farmer have to climbing
    the farmer has to climb

    other farmer shoot the bear
    the other farmer shoots the bear

  2. Don't forget to post your other exercises on your blog!

  3. the other exercises is making the references, anything else? @Rick


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